Handshake + Brilliant Deliver Fun For Their Clients During On Campus Recruiting

For recruiters and college seniors, the annual fall recruiting season is serious business. Recognizing the pressure on recruiters, Handshake sends out an annual gift to their clients to kick off the season. While they want these kits to be useful, the primary focus is on fun and bringing a bit of levity during a hectic time of year, therefore strengthening their relationships with their clients.
In 2021, Handshake, a leading recruiting platform, sent out a personalized, at-home pizza party to their recruiting clients. When they approached Brilliant about the 2022 kit, our team wanted to capture that same creativity.

Together, the Brilliant and Handshake teams brainstormed and collaborated and landed on a concept that everyone was incredibly excited about. Travel. This theme simultaneously acknowledged that, for some recruiters, travel is a big part of the job and also was a nod to the relaxation of the travel restrictions that had been in place over the past few years.
The travel-themed kit arrived in a box shaped as a suitcase - capturing the hearts of recipients from the second it landed at the doorstep. This creative packaging was one piece of creating a share-worthy unboxing moment (critical for the success of a social media campaign!). The kits included a dedicated hashtag, #handshakefirstclass, that recruiters could use when they posted online about the kits.
Inside the “suitcase”, were an assortment of interesting products from purpose driven companies, including a toiletry kit from Matador - a sustainability conscious purveyor of travel bags. For a little extra fun, we included a throwback to paper airplane tickets (gosh it was a joy to travel without worrying about your phone dying!) that featured a scratch off component with the possibility of winning prizes.

The Outcome:
The project, especially the scratch-off airplane tickets and the unboxing moment, created a stir on social media as recruiters posted about them. Not only did this strengthen the relationship between Handshake and their clients, but it also increased Handshake’s digital footprint and allowed for an organic advertisement of their brand and increased brand awareness within their ICP.